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+2 Fail Ho Gayi (Inderjit Nikku)
Dukh Sukh (Inderjit Nikku)
Akhian Ja Larhian (Inderjit Nikku)
Meri Mehboba (Inderjit Nikku)
Lookan Bha De Vichar (Inderjit Nikku)
Teri Chaal Goriye+ (Inderjit Nikku)
Kudi Da Yarro Ki Kehna (Inderjit Nikku)
Gol Mol Gallan Waliyee (Inderjit Nikku)
Kitte Eh Raat Naa Muk Jaave (Inderjit Nikku)
Jattan De Munde (Inderjit Nikku)
Tumba Wajdain Na (Inderjit Nikku)
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